Dependencies |
In order to create a clean and logically arranged form, Formdesk offers the feature "Dependencies". Depending upon given answers this feature allows you to:
- Hide items;
- Disable questions;
- Skip pages.
This way you show the relevant items only and guide the respondent through your form.
The examples used in this document are interactive and immediately demonstrate their function. You can also view these examples in a demonstration form.
The ability to use dependencies is an additional feature.
This means that it can be purchased in addition to standard subscriptions, while it’s already included in all business subscriptions.
If this features is not included in your subscription it can still be evaluated. You can use 1 dependency per form.
If you still have a trial account and you wish to take full advantage of this feature, we’d be happy to activate the feature in advance. You can request activation using the “Help request” button on the bottom right of the screen from within your Formdesk account.
This document discusses the following:
Where do I set up dependencies? |
Dependencies are set on the item that need to become hidden or disabled. Edit the item and click the "Dependencies"-icon.
Hide / show items |
You can hide an item depending on a given answer, as shown in the example below. Choose "Yes" to have an additional question appear asking how frequently you practice your sports.
The question "How many times per month do you practice sports?" is made dependent on the question "Do you practice sports?". This is done with the following definition: |
In this example the item will become hidden if sportyn equals the value No.
Sportyn is the Identifier (fieldname that you can specify for each question) where this item is dependent upon. In this example the question "Do you practice sports?" has the Identifier sportyn.
In case you do not know the Identifier of a question, click the -icon to search it.
While creating your form (Questions Tab), items that should be hidden through dependencies will become vague so you can see exactly which item in which situation is shown/hidden.
The final result as it will be presented to the respondent can be viewed by using the "Test form..."-button. |
Disable / enable items |
In case you do not want an item to be filled out in a specific situation, you can disable this item. As shown in the following example, a disabled question has a grey color so the respondent can see this question but will be unable to answer it. The question will be enabled when "Yes" is chosen. If you subsequently choose for "A ball sport", only the ball sports will be enabled. If you choose "An other sport", only the other sports will be enabled. |
The question "What kind of sport do you practice most?" is made dependent upon the question "Do you practice sports?". This is done with the following definition:
In this example the item will be disabled if sportyn equals the value No.
Sportyn is the Identifier where the disabled item is dependent upon. In this example the question "Do you practice sports?" has the Identifier sportyn.
In the "Questions"-tab a disabled question is immediately disabled during the design of a form, so you can see exactly which item in which situation is disabled/enabled. |
Compare answers |
In the above examples, answers with a fixed value are compared, like "sportyn equals the value no".
You may also set up rules where specific answers are compared. In the following example the last question is only enabled when more time has been spent on games than on training. |
The rule for the last question is as follows: |
When you change 'the value' into 'the answer at' then next to it a listbox will appear with relevant identifiers. |
Dependencies with multiple rules |
The question "Which ball sport is this?" is made dependent upon the question "Do you practice sports?" as well as the question "What kind of sport do you practice most?". This is done with the following definition:
In this example multiple rules are used. This is done by clicking the "Add rule"-button. The item will be disabled if any of the rules are true.
The question "Which ballsport is this?" will be disabled
if sportyn equals the value No, OR
if sportsort equals the value An other sport
The same result can be achieved by defining that the item must be enabled in case all the rules are true.
if sportyn equals the value Yes, AND
if sportsort equals the value A ballsport |
Define a custom match |
When the definition consists of at least 3 rules, then you can define a custom match.
This enables you to make a question dependent without having met all the rules or any of the rules.
In the example below the question "What material is your racket made of?" is added. This question will be enabled if "A ballsport" is chosen and this ballsport is "Tennis" or "Squash".
The question "What material is your racket made of?" is made dependent upon the question "What kind of sport do you practice most?" as well as the question "Which ball sport is this?". This is done with the following definition: |
When a definition consists of at least three rules, then the option "a custom match" becomes available. Underneath this option a custom match can be defined. In this case the definition is:
[1] AND ([2] OR [3])
This definition states that Rule1 must be true AND Rule 2 OR 3 must be true. The rules 2 and 3 in parenthesis indicate a choice between 2 OR 3. |
Copy dependencies to a group of items |
If you ever need to copy a dependency to a group of items just copy the property:
1. Create the dependency on the first item
2. Copy this item
3. Select the item(s) which should adopt the new dependencies
4. Right click the item(s) and choose ‘Paste properties…’
5. Select 'Dependencies' and click OK
Note that the current dependencies will be overwritten. This cannot be undone! |
Making a Wizard with dependencies and multiple pages |
With the optional feature Multiple pages you can divide your form into pages.
Also pages can be made dependent. Pages can be skipped, depending on a given answer.
The feature "Dependencies" combined with the feature "Multiple Pages" enables you to create so called "Wizards" which can guide visitors of your form through the questions that are relevant to them only. |
View references |
Withihn the Questions tab you can visualize the references of the dependencies that you defined. In the menu of one or more selected items choose the option 'Show references' or, to view the references of all items, click the icon in the toolbar. Red arrows will show which items refer to which items within your dependencies. |
Copy of the completed form |
In the copy of the completed form for instance being attached to the email to the user or to you or to be opened from the summary of results, the dependecies will be respected as they applied during form completion. This way it provides a nice compact overview containing only the relevant items. Since dependencies are executed only during form completion they will not apply to imported entries. |